
As a trusted source for employee engagement program design, development and implementation, Corepoint is sought after to speak to various groups, including industry associations, universities, civic organizations and regional conferences.  A variety of topics have been addressed, but the most popular have been focused on building careers through mentoring, tenets of women leaders, the importance of thought diversity, onboarding and employee engagement initiatives.

Each presentation is customized to meet both specific client need and organizational culture.  Our interactive presentations are grounded in our philosophy, which can be summed up by the following:  “There are a myriad of ways to achieve success based on employee engagement programs that are designed around the individual.”


KEYNOTES are approximately 1-2 hour presentations tailored to the specific event or client messaging.

WORKSHOPS – ½ day, full day, or tailored to specific events. Topics include:

  • Mentor and Mentee Characteristics
  • 6 Habits of Successful Mentees
  • Tenets for Women Leaders
  • Mentoring as a Catalyst for Diversity
  • Establishing a Mentoring Culture
  • Measuring Success – It’s not always a number

BREAK OUT SESSIONS range from one hour to half-day participant engaged programs that allow for group interaction and dynamics.  Content, worksheets, checklists and templates are provided based on topic.  Some of the most requested presentations are:

  • Mentoring – Catalyst for Engagement?– designed for those who are considering implementing a mentor program
  • Mentoring Measurements– there is more to the bottom line.
  • It’s Always About the Mentee– who really defines the success of a mentor program?
  • Professionalism– Why you should care!?

IN-HOUSE TRAINING provides collaboration with your current employee engagement program to instill best practices, provide new energy and take existing programs to the next level.  Training can also be provided to mentors and mentees on how to create a successful, long standing mentor relationship.

INDUSTRY CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS are structured based on the client theme and target the concept of mentoring as it impacts the bottom line and employee engagement. These presentations provide the listener with the inspiration to “think outside the box” and be the catalyst for developing their own company mentor program.